What Are Hurricane Windows?

Hurricane windows are designed and manufactured to withstand the force of high winds and the impact of flying debris during hurricanes. These impact-resistant windows are consist of 2 or 3 panes. There is an interlayer that holds the panes together. Although all hurricane-resistant windows could break they will not shatter nor allow debris or wind penetration. This feature of impact-resistant windows is very similar to the way the windshields are installed in automobiles. Protecting windows is the most crucial action against hurricane damages since the windows are the most vulnerable points of entry in any home.

Difference Between Hurricane Windows and Impact Windows

The manufacturing and functionality of both the hurricane windows and impact windows are the same and there is no difference between them. The term “Hurricane Windows” was coined for the marketing of impact windows in Florida.

Difference Between Impact Windows and Regular Windows

The regular windows are vulnerable to breakage and penetration when encountering debris or impact of other objects. Although the impact windows may crack upon such impacts it would not allow the entry of objects inside the homes or businesses. The immunity from penetration stems from the way the impact windows are manufactured. The two glass panes are pressed together with a thin yet sturdy interlayer in between. This creates much stronger glass capable of resisting impacts and avoiding shattering with the utilization of the interlayer in manufacturing the window.

Cost of Impact Windows vs Regular Windows

The impact windows offer the ultimate protection against costly damages from hurricanes. While impact windows cost more than regular windows this is a justifiable expense considering the cost of remedying future loss. The cost of impact windows is primarily due to the specialty material and labor hours employed in the manufacturing process.

Are Hurricane Windows Sound Proof?

We prefer instead of sound-proof use noise-reduction when describing impact windows. On average, hurricane windows are capable of reducing the transfer of noise by up to 70% to 80%.

Are Hurricane Windows Bullet Proof?

All hurricane windows are designed to resist exterior forces. While any impact windows can show resistance to bullets, stopping bullets completely is unlikely. However, stopping bullets is possible depending on the size of the bullets, type of the gun or rifle, the distance traveled, and many other factors.

How Do Impact Windows Reduce Energy Consumption

The heating and cooling of homes have a significant effect on energy bills. A large portion of the electrical energy is wasted when the cold or warm air either escapes or enters the home through windows and doors. A well-sealed hurricane window along with the double panes significantly reduces the loss of energy which results in energy savings.

Installing Impact Windows and Homeowner’s Insurance

Most insurance companies offer a discount on homeowner’s insurance premiums. It is highly recommended to contact your homeowners’ insurance carrier as soon as the installation of the hurricane windows is completed. For those homeowners that the premium’s discount is a deciding factor, they should contact their insurer before planning for impact windows.

Replacing Windows Gradually or All at Once

Although due to financial situation some people can not replace all windows at once it may come with additional costs. This is primarily due to some municipality’s rules requiring a separate permit fee for each stage of installment. We advise homeowners to contact their building department for a clear understanding of such rules in advance

Design Pressure Rating

Florida Building Code offers different Design Pressure Ratings based on the zone the property is located at. The Design Pressure Rating is defined as the performance level of the impact windows or doors when encountering positive or negative wind load. The lower rating indicates more exposure to be breached while the higher number showing a better resistance.

Impact Windows’ Protection Against Category 5 Hurricane

Impact windows are rated to withstand the wind force of up to category 5. The hurricane-resistant windows are the best line of defense for any home or business owner against damages of hurricanes regardless of their category. Past hurricanes and even tropical storms have caused billions of dollars in property damages, bodily injuries, and even deaths. The homes equipped with hurricane windows have proven to suffer less structural damages.

It is important to note that these windows are “impact-resistant” and not “impact-proof”. The term impact-proof implies absolute protection which there are no windows anywhere in the world to harness such a claim. However, impact resistance refers to resisting the force and minimizing the damages. The testing and rating of impact windows have proven their abilities to withstand wind and impact forces of a Category 5 Hurricane. That said, the level of this resistance is directly related to the condition outside the windows which is impossible to predict. Each hurricane of that magnitude bears different characteristics. Other factors remain in the type and nature of the flying debris and objects during the hurricane.

Is Boarding Up of Impact Windows Necessary

The main reason for installing hurricane windows is to eliminate the hassle of boarding the windows while offering more protection. Additionally, the hurricane shutters and plywood panels may peel off under heavy wind pressure and become a dangerous projectile. This may cause damages which is the opposite of the intended function of protecting the property.